Dear visitors of this blog,
We are glad to present our Comenius project in Latvia
The countries which are involved in this project are: Spain, Italy, England, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia, Czech Republic.
The name of our project is " Gastronomy Life and Art- European Union"
The First meeting was held in Birmingham on the 17th of October till 20th October where we were met by representitaves of Birmingham Metropolitan College.
The First day was a meeting day in a local English restaurant with all the members of this project.
On the second day of the visit we were introduced with the college system of education that is mainly based on practice. We were nicely surprised by wonderful friendly atmosphere in the college as well as by the well-equipped rooms that provide students with latest technologies during the studies.
The second and the third days were devoted to discussions of main points about Comenius project for the next year where we arranged the next days of the meeting in Bologna , Italy and the responsibilities of our countries.
After discussions we had a great opportunity to visit the National British Restaurant that is located in a wonderful park where we tasted traditonal English meals and having great time all together.
The meeting in Birmingham inspired us to future work in this project and made our routine life more colorful and fantastic
We are looking forward to meeting in Bologna especially our students from Latvia who are also coming with us to Italy.